The Fallible Man

Mar 23, 20237 min

Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking: 3 Steps to Achieve Your Dreams

Have you ever wondered how to overcome your fear of public speaking? You are not alone! Glossophobia or fear of communication is a real thing and is the number one fear for many people. Today, we have an answer for you! In this blog, we will discuss how Brenden Kumarasamy, a communication coach and YouTuber, overcame his fear of public speaking and how you can use his 3 steps to achieve your dreams. Through his own journey of learning how to communicate effectively and his experience coaching executives, Brenden has found a system to help you become an exceptional communicator. So if you’re ready to take the plunge and learn how to conquer your fear of public speaking, read on!

About Brenden Kumarasamy

Meet Brenden Kumarasamy, a communication coach and YouTuber on a mission to help people reach their full potential. Brenden experienced his own fear of public speaking when he was growing up in Montreal, Canada, and overcame this fear by competing in communication competitions as a young adult. He then developed a passion for teaching communication and created a YouTube channel to share free resources for the community. With a goal of inspiring and motivating the next generation, Brenden seeks to help individuals become the best versions of themselves through effective communication.

Why is it important to overcome my fear of public speaking?

Public speaking is an essential skill in life and can provide many benefits. Overcoming your fear of public speaking can open up a variety of opportunities and improve your overall confidence. When you take the time and effort to overcome your glossophobia, you can become a well-rounded and successful individual.

Having the ability to speak in public can help you to get ahead in your career, as well as give you an edge in social situations. Being confident and articulate when speaking in public will help you to make a great impression and give you the opportunity to share your ideas with others. Additionally, overcoming your fear of public speaking can help you to gain leadership skills and achieve success in your professional and personal life. By taking the time to conquer your fear of public speaking, you can open up a world of possibilities.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Ask yourself what you desire in life.

2. Identify someone who already has what you want.

3. Determine the gap between you and them in terms of communication.

1. Ask yourself what you desire in life.

In order to get started on becoming an exceptional communicator, the first step is to ask yourself what you desire in life. Taking the time to consider your hopes and dreams is important for determining what areas you want to focus on in order to become an exceptional communicator. Consider your goals in life and what kind of communicator you need to be in order to achieve them. Think about who you look up to and the kind of communicator they are. Identify the gap between your current communication skills and the ones you need in order to reach your goals. This exercise can help you gain insight into where you need to focus and what resources you need in order to become an exceptional communicator.

The next step in becoming an exceptional communicator is to develop a plan. Once you have identified the gap between your current communication skills and the ones you need in order to reach your goals, you can create a plan of action. Consider what areas you need to focus on, such as improving your public speaking abilities, learning a new language, or developing active listening skills. Research tips and tricks for mastering these skills and create a timeline for mastering them. As you work through your plan, check in with yourself periodically to assess your progress.

Finally, practice makes perfect! Once you have identified the skills you need to work on and created a plan to master them, it’s time to put your plan into action. Find as many opportunities as you can to practice the skills you need to become an exceptional communicator. Participate in conversations with friends, take a public speaking class, or join a debate team. As you practice, be sure to give yourself positive feedback and praise for the progress you make. With dedication and hard work, you can become an exceptional communicator in no time.

2. Identify someone who already has what you want.

Identify someone who already has what you want

The second step in the process of becoming an exceptional communicator is to identify someone who already has what you want. This can be a mentor, a role model, or even someone who has achieved a certain level of success that you aspire to. It’s important to look for someone who has achieved success in the same area as you, such as public speaking or communication. This can help you to understand what it takes to be successful in that area, and to get an idea of how to reach that level of success yourself.

When looking for someone to use as an example, you should consider how successful they are, how long they’ve been successful for, and how their success has been achieved. Consider their traits and qualities, as well as their experiences and hardships, and how they overcame them. This can help you to understand the journey they took and what it took to get there. You should also consider the resources they used to get to where they are, such as books, podcasts, or any other resources that may have helped them. Finally, consider their advice and guidance, and how they have shared it with others. This can help you to learn from their experiences and gain knowledge on what works and what doesn’t so that you can apply it to your own journey.

Once you have identified someone who already has what you want, it’s important to start researching and studying them. Read books they’ve written, watch videos they’ve made, or listen to their podcasts. Take notes on what they’ve said and how they’ve said it. Pay attention to the language they use, their body language, and the techniques they use to effectively communicate. This will help you to gain an understanding of what it takes to communicate effectively and to become an exceptional communicator.

Reach out to the person you’ve identified and ask for their advice. Take the opportunity to pick their brain and ask them any questions you may have about communication. Get their take on the challenges you may face and the best way to go about tackling them. Ask them to review your work and provide feedback. This will help you to gain insight into their approach to communication and learn from their experiences.

3. Determine the gap between you and them in terms of communication.

In order to determine the gap between you and someone else in terms of communication, the first step is to identify what it is that you want to achieve. This could be anything from getting a better job to making new friends. Once you have identified what it is that you want to achieve, you need to identify someone who has already achieved it. This could be someone you know personally or someone you have seen in the media. It is important to select someone who has achieved what you want to achieve in order to determine the gap between you and them in terms of communication.

The next step is to analyze the communication skills of the person you have identified. This includes looking at how they present ideas, how they interact with others and how they structure their communication. Pay special attention to their body language, their choice of words and the confidence they have when speaking. Once you have identified the communication skills of the person you have chosen, you can then compare it to your own skills and determine the gap between you and them in terms of communication.

Finally, it is important to create a plan to close the gap between you and the other person in terms of communication. This could include investing in a communication coach, taking a communication class, reading books on the subject, or simply practicing speaking in front of a mirror. Once you have identified the gap and created a plan to close it, you are well on your way to becoming an exceptional communicator.

When it comes to improving communication skills, it is important to remember that it is a process and not a sprint. While it may be tempting to rush the process and try to close the gap between you and the other person as quickly as possible, this can lead to mistakes and setbacks. Take the time to build up your communication skills gradually. Try to focus on one area at a time, and make sure you take the time to practice and get feedback from others.

Finally, it is important to remember that communication is not just about words. Nonverbal communication such as body language, facial expressions and tone of voice are just as important. Make sure to pay attention to both verbal and nonverbal communication when trying to close the gap between you and the other person. With practice, patience, and dedication, you can become an exceptional communicator and reach your goals.

Communication is an essential skill in life that can open up a world of possibilities. The key to becoming an exceptional communicator is to identify the gap between you and someone who has achieved the success you desire and to create a plan to close the gap. By following Brenden Kumarasamy's 3 step Communication Accelerant Strategy, you can take the plunge and overcome your fear of public speaking. With dedication and hard work, you too can become an exceptional communicator and reach your full potential. Remember, you have the power to achieve your dreams - take the first step today!

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